Инж. Ангел Сергиев

Owner and Manager

Eng. Angel Sergiev graduated from UASG with a degree in HTS in 1978. Since 1979 until 1996 works in the State Enterprise “Probes and Injections”, having gained his experience as Head of site: Rope anchors and drilling and injection activities on the Highway “HEMUS”, Tunnels “Topli Dol” and “Echemishka”, curtain on the dam “Beli” Lom ”, Group Technical Manager and subsequently Chief Engineer directly responsible and manages sites such as: strengthening landslide Preobrazhenski Monastery, P.F.R. of Belyane NPP, P.F. mine injections KERZET USEF Algeria, Yovkovtsi Dam, METRO Sofia, PAVEC Chaira.

Since 1992 until 1996 is Deputy Manager at Probes and Injections. His professional development after 1997 continued in the private sector as Deputy Manager of a construction company until 2001, when he became a co-founder of HIDROINJEKT, and in 2005 he bought the shares and became the sole owner of the capital and manager of the company. Eng. Sergiev has extremely rich experience in the narrowly specialized field of activity of the company, which he successfully applies to this day.

His extensive practical knowledge in this field allows him to bring his company very quickly among the best in the industry, as in 2008 Hidroinjekt Ltd. is among the 100 fastest growing companies in the construction sector according to the national ranking of Gepard magazine, published by Pari newspaper.

Eng. Angel Sergiev